Band-Aid Bandages, Variety Pack

$35.99 / ea.
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Made In USA
Band-Aid Bandages, Variety Pack
$35.99 / ea.
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From guest accidents to employee mishaps, be prepared for any situation with the Band-Aid® kit. This multi-pack offers 280 adhesive bandages of different sizes to accommodate to any injury. This kit is a safety necessity that can be stocked throughout your establishment for quick access at a moments notice.
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Product TypeAdhesive Bandage
Size280 Pieces
StyleVariety Pack
Registry BrandNo
Made In USAYes
Certification & Standards
Living GreenNo
Make And Model
Origin CountryUSA
Shipping Details
Height3.940 IN
Weight0.5800 LBS
Width6.000 IN
Length4.250 IN
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